Sensorama attends the Second Meeting of International Project Alliance4XR

Alliance4XR meeting in Sweden

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Sensorama attends the Second Meeting of International Project Alliance4XR

Nyköping, Sweden – The historic city of Nyköping recently hosted the second meeting of the Alliance4XR project since its launch in February this year. Over two days, 13 international partners gathered at the iconic Nyköping Castle to review the progress and plan the next steps of this innovative initiative.

The project, focused on integrating digital and green skills within the field of extended reality (XR), has made significant strides. During the meeting, the partners celebrated the near-completion of the first work package “Needs Analysis and Knowledge Synthesis”.

This comprehensive study has not only analyzed market needs and emerging professions but also identified over ten best practices in existing teaching and training materials. A key achievement of this work package has been the completion of in-depth desk research addressing the current state of digital and green skills.

Additionally, a survey involving over 80 university professors, vocational training centers, and XR companies was conducted. The findings provided a clear understanding of current skill gaps and the barriers to adopting these essential competencies. Another significant highlight was the demonstration of the platform (under development), which will consolidate tools, educational materials, and training methodologies. This platform, designed to be a free resource for educators and students, promises to revolutionize the way digital and green skills are taught and acquired in the context of XR.

During the second day of the conference, the focus was on the evaluations and recommendations derived from the project to boost the methodology, the curricula and the ALLIANCE4XR platform. Also addressed were the upcoming events in which the project’s participation will be key to its dissemination and transferability; as well as the development of the project’s communication strategy and dissemination materials.

The next opportunity to join this project, is scheduled for November at the EuroXR Conference. This event will provide an opportunity not only to continue the project’s collaboration but also to showcase progress to a broader audience and engage in discussions on extended reality.

The Alliance4XR remains committed to education and innovation, leading the way toward a future where digital and green skills are crucial for professional and academic development in the era of extended reality.

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