Developing the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the workforce continues to be a priority for organizations. The use of technology to deliver training continues to increase; however, more than half of all learning is still delivered live, face-to-face in a traditional classroom.
Managerial and supervisory skills continued to be the top focal point for learning content at 14%. The ATD described this as unsurprising as another of its studies “found that nearly two-thirds of talent development professionals thought their organization was experiencing a gap in managerial and supervisory skills.”
According to the study by The Association for Talent Development (ATD), U.S. companies invest $1,299 per year in the education of each employee
Managerial and supervisory skills continued to be the top focal point for learning content at 14%. The ATD described this as unsurprising as another of its studies “found that nearly two-thirds of talent development professionals thought their organization was experiencing a gap in managerial and supervisory skills.”
The remaining top content areas were:
- mandatory and compliance training (13%)
- interpersonal skills (10%)
- profession-specific and industry-specific (10%)
- processes, procedures, and business practices (10%)
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